Achieving accuracy and efficiency at the same time: a new kinetic Monte Carlo approach for complicated catalytic systems


SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry, Volume 61, Issue 12: 1479-1480(2018)

Achieving accuracy and efficiency at the same time: a new kinetic Monte Carlo approach for complicated catalytic systems

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  • ReceivedJul 2, 2018
  • AcceptedJul 18, 2018
  • PublishedSep 21, 2018


There is no abstract available for this article.

Interest statement

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


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  • Figure 1

    (a) A schematic illustration of the “bridge” role of surface kinetics between quantum-chemical calculations and catalyst design. (b) The role of XPK: combined with diffusion-only explicit lattice KMC and implicit lattice KMC, with both accuracy and efficiency. (c) TOF of AH2 at 600?K with lateral interactions. The A lines (solid) are for the input pressure of A from 0.20 to 1.00?MPa with that of H2 at 0.80?MPa, while the H2 lines (dashed) are for the input pressure of H2 from 0.20 to 1.00?MPa with that of A at 0.40?MPa. (d) TOF of AH2 at 600?K. Here blue ▲ and blue △ are from the implicit lattice KMC simulations without lateral interactions and red ● and red ○ are from the XPK simulations with lateral interactions, while purple ▼ and purple ▽ are from the implicit lattice KMC simulations with fixed coverages of the reactants obtained by XPK. (e) The volcano curve at different N adsorption energies for the ammonia decomposition model based on scaling relations at 0.10?MPa NH3 and 850?K. Panel (c–e) are adopted from Ref. [5] (color online).

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