Quantum simulation of‘zitterbewegung’ in a single trapped ion under conditions of parity-keeping and parity-breaking


SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, Volume 57, Issue 7: 1250(2014) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11433-014-5458-5

Quantum simulation of‘zitterbewegung’ in a single trapped ion under conditions of parity-keeping and parity-breaking

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  • AcceptedOct 12, 2013
  • PublishedMay 22, 2014


The motional trembling (‘zitterbewegung’) of a relativistic electron governed by Dirac equation was originally predicted by Schrödinger in the early days of quantum mechanics and simulated in a recent experiment with a single trapped ultracold ion. We investigate stable and instable confinements of a single trapped ion in a Paul trap under different conditions relevant to parity. Since our treatment involves neither restriction of Lamb-Dicke limit nor rotating-wave approximation, we may demonstrate different quantum dynamics of the single trapped ion in a wide range of the trapping parameters. We discuss the origin of the zitterbewegung which is relevant to the stability of the ion trapping.


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