Fault tolerant channel-encrypting quantum dialogue against collective noise


SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, Volume 58, Issue 4: 040301(2015) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11433-014-5613-z

Fault tolerant channel-encrypting quantum dialogue against collective noise

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  • ReceivedSep 5, 2014
  • AcceptedOct 9, 2014
  • PublishedNov 13, 2014
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In this paper, two fault tolerant channel-encrypting quantum dialogue (QD) protocols against collective noise are presented. One is against collective-dephasing noise, while the other is against collective-rotation noise. The decoherent-free states, each of which is composed of two physical qubits, act as traveling states combating collective noise. Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pairs, which play the role of private quantum key, are securely shared between two participants over a collective-noise channel in advance. Through encryption and decryption with private quantum key, the initial state of each traveling two-photon logical qubit is privately shared between two participants. Due to quantum encryption sharing of the initial state of each traveling logical qubit, the issue of information leakage is overcome. The private quantum key can be repeatedly used after rotation as long as the rotation angle is properly chosen, making quantum resource economized. As a result, their information-theoretical efficiency is nearly up to 66.7%. The proposed QD protocols only need single-photon measurements rather than two-photon joint measurements for quantum measurements. Security analysis shows that an eavesdropper cannot obtain anything useful about secret messages during the dialogue process without being discovered. Furthermore, the proposed QD protocols can be implemented with current techniques in experiment.

Funded by

National Natural Science Foundation of China(61402407)


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