Sessile droplet freezing and ice adhesion on aluminum with different surface wettability and surface temperature


SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, Volume 58, Issue 7: 076801(2015)

Sessile droplet freezing and ice adhesion on aluminum with different surface wettability and surface temperature

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  • ReceivedNov 4, 2014
  • AcceptedJan 15, 2015
  • PublishedFeb 6, 2015
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This paper focused on the sessile droplet freezing and ice adhesion on aluminum with different wettability (hydrophilic, common hydrophobic, and superhydrophobic surfaces, coded as HIS, CHS, SHS, respectively) over a surface temperature range of -9°C to -19°C. It was found that SHS could retard the sessile droplet freezing and lower the ice adhesion probably due to the interfacial air pockets (IAPs) on water/SHS interface. However, as surface temperature decreasing, some IAPs were squeezed out and such freezing retarding and adhesion lowering effect for SHS was reduced greatly. For a surface temperature of -19°C, ice adhesion on SHS was even greater than that on CHS. To discover the reason for the squeezing out of IAPs, forces applied to the suspended water on IAPs were analyzed and it was found that the stability of IAPs was associated with surface micro-structures and surface temperature. These findings might be helpful to designing of SHS with good anti-icing properties.

Funded by

Open Fund of Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Biomass-based Energy and Enzyme Technology(JSBEET1224)

National Natural Science Foundation of China(21203089)

International Science and Technology Cooperation Program of China(2012DFA51200)

Science and Technology Project of Jiangxi Province(20123BDH80015)


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  • Figure 1

    (Color online) Apparatus to observe the freezing process (a) and typical captured images as well as the definition of tc/tf (b); apparatus to measure ice adhesion strength (c).

  • Figure 2

    FE-SEM images for SHS (a, b), CHS (c) and HIS (d). Insets are the images for droplets on different surfaces.

  • Figure 3

    (Color online) Variation of apparent contact area (Aap) against time during homogeneous cooling sub-process (a)–(c); forces applied to the suspended water on SHS and transition from Cassie state to Wenzel state (d).

  • Figure 4

    (Color online) Variation of ice height against time during the heterogeneous freezing process (a) and the average advancing rate of the ice/water interface (b). Possible heat transfer model (c-i) and variation of the calibrated heat transfer rate (q′) against ice height (h) based on the so-proposed model (c-ii). q ˉ, i.e., average q for h in the range from 0.01 mm to h mm (h=1.33, 1.88 and 2.17 for HIS, CHS, and SHS, respectively) was calculated and marked in (c-ii).

  • Figure 5

    (Color online) Contact angle decreasing mechanism for SHS in the freezing/melting cycle.

  •    Contact angles for different samples


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