A gammadion terahertz (THz) metamaterial embedded with a pair of splits is experimentally investigated. By introducing the pair of splits at different arms, the transmitted amplitude at the resonance frequency can be manipulated from 61% to 24%. Broadband static resonance tunability from 1.11 to 1.51 THz is also demonstrated via varying the relative split positions at certain arms. The amplitude change and static resonance tunability are attributed to the introduced split pairs, which enable selective excitation of different resonance modes in the gammadion metamaterials. This work promises a new approach to design THz functional devices.
Prime Minister’s Office
Singapore under its Competitive Research Program(NRF-CRP10-2012-04)
the National Research Foundation
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Figure 1
(Color online) (a) Schematic of the gammadion THz metamaterial structure. (b) Decomposition into two resonance components of the gammadion metamaterial structure. (c)–(e) The microscope images of the gammadion metamaterial structures embedded with split pairs in B, A and C arms, which were fabricated by laser MLA lithography. All the scale bars are 100 μm. The insets are metamaterial structure unit cells embedded with a split pair. The length
Figure 2
(Color online) (a) Measured and (b) simulated transmission spectra for the gammadion metamaterial structures without and with a split pair in B and A arms. (c)–(e) Simulated electric field distributions of the metamaterials without a split pair, with a split pair in B and A arms at 0.98 THz, respectively. The corresponding surface current distributions are shown in (f)–(h).
Figure 3
(Color online) Simulated transmission spectra of the gammadion metamaterials when VO2 with different conductivities is embedded into the splits. The inserted image is the schematic of the design, in which the red part is the embedded VO2.
Figure 4
(Color online) (a) Measured and (b) simulated transmission spectra of the gammadion metamaterials with a split pair in C arm at a distance
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