Fast adaptive flat-histogram ensemble to enhance the sampling in large systems


SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, Volume 58, Issue 9: 590501(2015)

Fast adaptive flat-histogram ensemble to enhance the sampling in large systems

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  • ReceivedFeb 27, 2015
  • AcceptedApr 29, 2015
  • PublishedAug 4, 2015
PACS numbers


An efficient novel algorithm was developed to estimate the Density of States (DOS) for large systems by calculating the ensemble means of an extensive physical variable, such as the potential energy, U, in generalized canonical ensembles to interpolate the interior reverse temperature curve βs (U) ? S(U) ?U , where S(U) is the logarithm of the DOS. This curve is computed with different accuracies in different energy regions to capture the dependence of the reverse temperature on U without setting prior grid in the U space. By combining with a U-compression transformation, we decrease the computational complexity from O(N3/2) in the normal Wang Landau type method to O(N1/2) in the current algorithm, as the degrees of freedom of system N. The efficiency of the algorithm is demonstrated by applying to Lennard Jones fluids with various N, along with its ability to find different macroscopic states, including metastable states.

Funded by

National Natural Science Foundation of China and by the Open Project Grant from the State Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics. Zhou X thanks the financial support of the Hundred of Talents Program in Chinese Academy of Sciences(11175250)


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  • Figure 1

    (Color online) The obtained Ts, ( dT sd u) ?1 , and S are shown as functions of U in the LJ systems with different size N. The number of requiring points {(Ui, bi)} increases as N increases.

  • Figure 2

    (Color online) The required MD steps for getting the same accuracy of bs(U) with the size of system N. The accuracy is measured by the B factors in estimating ensemble averages of U (see the text). The red dash line is from tMDμN1/2.

  • Figure 3

    (Color online) Ts(U) in the supersaturated liquid and the solid phases, respectively, of the LJ system with N=108. The transition can easily happen when U<U1 (from liquid to solid) and U> U2 (from solid to liquid).

  • Figure 4

    (Color online) The Ts(U) function in a LJ system with N=108 and r=0.8 at the low-temperature region. Each branch of the function corresponds to a particular macroscopic phase. The blue-filled squares cover the unstable liquid/solid coexistence region where cv ( d Ts du )?1, which can be thought as the heat capacity in the iso-U ensemble, are negative, as shown in the bottom panel. The green down-triangles correspond to the complete FCC solid, which is a metastable state in the current system. Some phase transitions from metastable solids to the stable solid (the black circles) can be found at lower temperatures. When Ts→0, more complex phase behaviors are expected.

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