An exact approach is presented to compute the three-dimensional (3D) acoustic field in a homogeneous wedge-shaped ocean with perfectly reflecting boundaries. This approach applies the Fourier synthesis technique, which reduces a 3D point-source ideal wedge problem into a sequence of two-dimensional (2D) line-source ideal wedge problems, whose analytical solution is well established. A comparison of numerical efficiency is provided between this solution and the solution proposed by Buckingham, which is obtained by a sequence of integral transforms. The details of numerical implementation of these two solutions are also given. To validate the present approach and at the same time compare numerical efficiency between this approach and Buckingham's analytical solution, two numerical examples are considered. One is the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) benchmark wedge problem and the other is a wide-angle wedge problem. Numerical results indicate that the present approach is efficient and capable of providing accurate 3D acoustic field results for arbitrary receiver locations, and hence can serve as a benchmark model for sound propagation in a homogeneous wedge-shaped ocean.
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