Improved multiparty quantum key agreement in travelling mode


SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, Volume 59, Issue 12: 120311(2016)

Improved multiparty quantum key agreement in travelling mode

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  • ReceivedAug 15, 2016
  • AcceptedSep 14, 2016
  • PublishedOct 21, 2016
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The need to simultaneously balance security and fairness in quantum key agreement (QKA) makes it challenging to design a flawless QKA protocol, especially a multiparty quantum key agreement (MQKA) protocol. When designing an MQKA protocol, two modes can be used to transmit the quantum information carriers: travelling mode and distributed mode. MQKA protocols usually have a higher qubit efficiency in travelling mode than in distributed mode. Thus, several travelling mode MQKA protocols have been proposed. However, almost all of these are vulnerable to collusion attacks from internal betrayers. This paper proposes an improved MQKA protocol that operates in travelling mode with Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pairs. More importantly, we present a new travelling mode MQKA protocol that uses single photons, which is more feasible than previous methods under current technologies.

Funded by

National Natural Science Foundation of China(61502041)

National Natural Science Foundation of China(61602045)

National Natural Science Foundation of China(11504024)

National Natural Science Foundation of China(61601171)

National Natural Science Foundation of China(61501414)

National Natural Science Foundation of China(61309029)



This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61501414, 61602045, 61601171, 61309029, 11504024 and 61502041).


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