This work was supported by National Program on Key Basic Research Project (Grant No. 2015CB856903), and National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. U1332207).
Figure 1
(Color online) Sketch of the QCD phase-diagram: Temperature versus baryonic-chemical potential.
Figure 2
(Color online) The concept design of the CSR External target Experiment (CEE).
Figure 3
(Color online) The phase space distribution of the $\pi^-$ (a), $\pi^+$ (b), proton (c) and deuteron (d) produced in the $^{124}$Sn$+^{124}$Sn reactions at 0.6 agev.
Figure 4
(Color online) The performance expectation of the PID using TPC and iTOF detectors for the light charged particles at midrapidity. The colliding system is chosen as C+C at 1.2 GeV/u to show the identification of Kaons.
Figure 5
(Color online) The momentum resolution defined by the difference between the reconstructed momentum and input momentum for various particles. (a) Pion, proton and deuteron; (b) triton and helium isotopes.
Figure 6
(Color online) The scattering plot of the momentum and the polar angle in laboratory for the reaction Sn+Sn at 0.6 GeV/u with (a) and without (b) the MWDC coverage filter.
Figure 7
(Color online) (a) The correlation between the reconstructed momenta and the input values; (b) the relative error of the reconstructed momentum w.r.t the input values.
Figure 8
(Color online) The particle identification via TOF and reconstructed momentum achieved with the MWDC array for Sn+Sn at 0.6 GeV/u.
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