Intrinsic superconducting transport properties of ultra-thin Fe$_{1+y}$Te$_{0.6}$Se$_{0.4}$ microbridges


SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, Volume 60, Issue 11: 117411(2017)

Intrinsic superconducting transport properties of ultra-thin Fe$_{1+y}$Te$_{0.6}$Se$_{0.4}$ microbridges

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  • ReceivedJun 6, 2017
  • AcceptedJul 13, 2017
  • PublishedAug 25, 2017
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We investigated the superconducting properties of Fe$_{1+y}$Te$_{0.6}$Se$_{0.4}$ single-crystalline microbridges with a width of 4 $\mu$m and thicknesses ranging from 20.8 to 136.2 nm. The temperature-dependent in-plane resistance of the bridges exhibited a type of metal-insulator transition in the normal state. The critical current density (J$_\text{c}$) of the microbridge with a thickness of 136.2 nm was 82.3 kA/cm$^2$ at 3 K and reached 105 kA/cm$^2$ after extrapolation to $T$ = 0 K. The current versus voltage characteristics of the microbridges showed a Josephson-like behavior with an obvious hysteresis. These results demonstrate the potential application of ultra-thin Fe-based microbridges in superconducting electronic devices such as bolometric detectors.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11234006, 61501220, U1432135, 11674054, and 11611140101), Jiangsu Provincial Natural Science Fund (Grant No. SBK2015040804), and Opening Project of Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center (Grant No. 2015KF19).


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  • Figure 1

    (Color online) (a) A scanning electron microscopic image of a typical Fe$_{1+y}$Te$_{0.6}$Se$_{0.4}$ microbridge with W= 4 $\mu$m and L=20 $\mu$m; (b) enlarged view of the step , and the thickness $h$ shown in (b) is about 130 nm.

  • Figure 2

    (Color online) (a) Temperature dependence of resistance ($R-T$) curve for Fe$_{1+y}$Te$_{0.6}$Se$_{0.4}$ the bulk crystal (a); microbridges of different thicknesses at low-temperature (b) and the entire temperature region (c).

  • Figure 3

    (Color online) (a) $R-T$ curves of the Fe$_{1+y}$Te$_{0.6}$Se$_{0.4}$ microbridges of Sample B at various currents ranging from 20 to 300 $\mu$A; (b) close-up of the $R-T$ curves at temperatures ranging from 14 to 20 K. The inset in (b) shows the resistance dependence of the current at 15 K.

  • Figure 4

    (Color online) Current-voltage characteristics of the microbridges of Sample B measured at different temperatures ranging from 14 to 3 K. The colored arrows indicate increases and decreases in current bias.

  • Figure 5

    (Color online) Temperature dependence of $J_\text{c}$ and $J_\text{r}$ as estimated from current versus voltage measurements. $J_\text{c}$ was fitted by the power law and Ginzburg-Landau theory.

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