A new solver based on the high-resolution scheme with novel treatments of source terms and interface capture for the Savage-Hutter model is developed to simulate granular avalanche flows. The capability to simulate flow spread and deposit processes is verified through indoor experiments of a two-dimensional granular avalanche. Parameter studies show that reduction in bed friction enhances runout efficiency, and that lower earth pressure restraints enlarge the deposit spread. The April 9, 2000, Yigong avalanche in Tibet, China, is simulated as a case study by this new solver. The predicted results, including evolution process, deposit spread, and hazard impacts, generally agree with site observations. It is concluded that the new solver for the Savage-Hutter equation provides a comprehensive software platform for granular avalanche simulation at both experimental and field scales. In particular, the solver can be a valuable tool for providing necessary information for hazard forecasts, disaster mitigation, and countermeasure decisions in mountainous areas.
and the LMFS Foundation for Young Scientists.
National Natural Science Foundation of China(11602278)
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11602278, and 11432015), the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDB22040203), and the LMFS Foundation for Young Scientists, and the authors are grateful for the suggestions of anonymous reviewers.
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