This research aims to review the developments in the field of quantum private query (QPQ), a type of practical quantum cryptographic protocol. The primary protocol, as proposed by Jacobi et al., and the improvements in the protocol are introduced. Then, the advancements made in sability, theoretical security, and practical security are summarized. Additionally, we describe two new results concerning QPQ security. We emphasize that a procedure to detect outside adversaries is necessary for QPQ, as well as for other quantum secure computation protocols, and then briefly propose such a strategy. Furthermore, we show that the shift-and-addition or low-shift-and-addition technique can be used to obtain a secure real-world implementation of QPQ, where a weak coherent source is used instead of an ideal single-photon source.
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant,Nos.,61672110,61572081,61671082,61702469,61771439)
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61672110, 61572081, 61671082, 61702469, and 61771439). We are grateful to ChunYan Wei, Bin Liu, and DanDan Li for providing materials and helpful discussions.
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