High-efficient and compound utilizations on industrial waste heat are becoming a hot issue because of the gradually tense energy uses situation. As a conventional waste heat recovery equipment, the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) is accepted and applied in various fields. Many experimental researches are performed on the heat recovery boiler in order to obtain its corresponding heat recovery characteristics. In consideration of its complex structures and various powers, numerical simulations on the heat recovery boiler are still difficult assignments. In the former numerical simulation researches, numerous tubes in the heat recovery boiler are often simplified as porous medium, which can not reveal the actual temperature and flow distribution characteristics. The obtained numerical results cannot provide precise reference for the performance analyses and structure optimization of the heat recovery boiler. Therefore a kind of novel numerical simulation method on the heat recovery boiler is proposed in this paper. The heat recovery boiler under investigation is used for waste heat recovery in the cement production process. The corresponding heat source is imported from the outlet waste gases in the clinker cement cooler, whose temperature is generally ranging from around 150 centigrade to 400 centigrade. The waste heat is recovered by the cold water which will further increase the power of the waste heat power generation system. The full-scale numerical simulation model in this paper is simplified from the three dimension model to two dimension model because of the axial temperature difference along the heat transfer tube is often less than 1 centigrade. Typical experimental data testify that such simplification is feasible and applicable in the numerical simulation process. Characteristics of gas flow and heat transfer in the outside of the tube bundles are obtained, which are useful for the understanding of heat recovery performance in the heat recovery boiler. In the condition of prescribed changes of temperature and mass flow rate of the inlet exhaust gas, the performance of the heat recovery boiler is analyzed in details. And simultaneously the variation of the layout of tube bundles is also investigated, which include the aligned arrangement, the staggered arrangement and a novel rhombic arrangement. Results indicate that the comprehensive performance of the heat recovery boiler is improved with the increasing inlet exhaust gas temperature when the exhaust gas mass flow rate is kept as constant. And if the inlet exhaust gas temperature is unchanged, both the convective heat transfer coefficient and the pressure drop in the shell side will increase with the increase of gas mass flow rate. The corresponding JF factor in the shell side is also increased, which means an enhancement of the corresponding comprehensive performance in the heat recovery boiler. The full-scale method in this paper is universal for related numerical researches on the heat recovery boiler. Related conclusions can provide references and guidelines for similar numerical simulations researches of the heat recovery boiler. And a large quantity of numerical simulation results can provide data for the further optimized design and on line operation of the heat recovery boiler.
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(网络版彩色)锅炉性能参数随烟温的变化. (a) 表面传热系数; (b) 压降; (c) JF因子
(网络版彩色)锅炉性能参数随流量的变化. (a) 表面传热系数; (b) 压降; (c) JF因子
轴向距离(m) |
温度(K) |
0.25 |
411.88 |
0.50 |
411.89 |
0.75 |
411.96 |
1.00 |
411.91 |
1.25 |
411.97 |
1.50 |
411.93 |
1.75 |
411.93 |
2.00 |
411.94 |
2.25 |
411.90 |
网格数 |
进出口温差(℃) |
偏差(%) |
8900000 |
130.4 |
31.8 |
16000000 |
150.6 |
20.8 |
18500000 |
163.7 |
14.4 |
21500000 |
187.5 |
1.4 |
27000000 |
191.2 |
– |
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