Based on the improved complex variable moving least-squares (ICVMLS)
approximation, the improved complex variable element-free Galerkin
(ICVEFG) method for the bending problem of Kirchhoff plate is presented.
Compared with the moving least-squares (MLS) approximation, in the
ICVMLS approximation, the approximation function of two-dimensional
problems can be obtained with one-dimensional basis function, then
the computational efficiency of the shape functions is higher. Compared
with the meshless methods based on the MLS approximation, under the
same node distributions, the ones using the ICVMLS approximation can
obtain the solutions with higher computational accuracy; and under
the similar computational accuracy, the ones using the ICVMLS approximation
have higher computational efficiency. The ICVMLS approximation is
used to form the approximation function of the deflection of a Kirchhoff
plate, the Galerkin weak form of the bending problem of Kirchhoff
plates is adopted to obtain the discretized system equations, and
the penalty method is employed to enforce the essential boundary conditions,
then the corresponding formulae of the ICVEFG method for the bending
problem of Kirchhoff plates are presented. By computing and analyzing
four typical examples, it is shown that the ICVEFG method of Kirchhoff
plates in this paper is efficient. And the computational precision
of the numerical solutions is analyzed to select the basis function,
weight function, scaling factor, node distribution and penalty factor
in the ICVEFG method. Numerical examples show that the method in this
paper has better convergence and higher accuracy. When the quadratic
polynomial basis function and the cubic or quartic spline weight function
are used, and
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