As the typical structure of the large satellite antenna, the hoop-truss deployable antenna with large aperture is in urgent need in the new generation of large communication satellite, the relay satellite and the earth observation satellite. At the same time, the requirement of the antenna aperture size tends to become bigger and bigger. However, with the increase of antenna aperture, the driving force required for deployment of antenna is also increasing rapidly, which leads to the reliability problem in the traditional centralized drive mode with the motor and driving cable. The dynamics simulation model of the large Hoop-Truss deployable antenna was established in this paper firstly, and the dynamics simulation of the deployment of the antenna with the motor and driving cable was carried out, respectively. This paper reveals the problem of the asynchronous synchronization of deployment caused by the friction loss of the motor driving force in the load path. The energy consumption during the process of antenna deployment is analyzed, and the growth trend of motor driving force as the antenna aperture increases. The shortcomings of centralized-driving mode with the motor and driving cable are summarized, which mainly caused by the decreasing of driving cable force due to friction. On the basis, a method of distributed drive deployment based on negative stiffness driving device is presented. The design of negative stiffness driving device is given in the paper. The multi-stage non-circular gear device based is used to realize the negative stiffness joints and the design method of key transmission ratio of multi-stage non-circular gear device is also given in the paper. Finally, numerical example of 25?m antenna is demonstrated to verify the effectiveness of the proposed distributed driving method.
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Figure 1
(Color online)
Figure 2
(Color online) Centralized-driving mode of hoop-truss antenna.
Figure 3
(Color online) Multibody model of the hoop-truss antenna
Figure 4
(Color online) Simulation result of deployment of 12.5?m hoop-truss antenna.
Figure 5
(Color online) The phenomenon of asynchronous synchronization during deployment in 9 m-astromesh experiment of American
Figure 6
(Color online) Illustration of one by one reduction of driving cable tension.
Figure 7
(Color online) Motor driving force curve of 12.5?m hoop-truss antenna.
Figure 8
(Color online) The potential energy curve during deployment of 12.5?m hoop-truss antenna.
Figure 9
(Color online) Variation tendency of motor driving force as antenna aperture increasing. (a) Variation curve of motor driving force with the antenna aperture increasing (number of truss bays: 30); (b) variation curve of motor driving force with the numbers of the truss bays increasing (antenna aperture: 50?m).
Figure 10
(Color online) Illustration of distributed-driving.
Figure 11
(Color online) Comparison of force-displacement curve between negative stiffness spring and general linear spring.
Figure 12
Illustration of final phase of antenna deploying.
Figure 13
Multi-stage non-circular gear device.
Figure 14
(Color online) Design result of distributed driving torque.
Figure 15
(Color online) Simulation result of distributed-driving deployment of 25?m hoop-truss antenna. (a)
Figure 16
(Color online) Comparison of simulation results between centralized-driving and distributed- driving. (a) Comparison of motor driving force; (b) comparison of load of battens.
Figure 17
(Color online) Simulation result of centralized-driving deployment of 25?m hoop-truss antenna (a)-(d).
(Color online) Comparison of total work of joints during deploying between centralized-driving and distributed- driving. (a) Comparison of total work of joints; (b) comparison of effective work ratio of each joints.
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