The pipelines of aerospacecrafts have characteristics of light and thin structures, severe mechanical environment, high operating stresses and easy to cause low cycle fatigues, and they have broken down in flight for many times. With the development of aerospacecrafts for lightness, reuseable and high reliability, the pressing requirements of pipelines change from environmental adaptability qualitative check to dynamic strength quantitative evaluation. This article firstly introduces the fundamental principles and applications of dynamic load analysis methods for pipelines base on the Miles formula, the modal root mean square (RMS) value, etc., and uses it to guide the dynamic design of pipelines. Then basing on engineering practices, it summaries the theoretical methods and technical key points of the Steinberg fast assessment and the frequency domain fatigue analysis base on statistics model, etc., which are always used in the dynamic strength analysis of pipelines. Finally, combining with the investigation status of design, analysis and test for pipeline dynamic strength in aerospace field, it outlooks the engineering and scientific problems needed to be studied further.
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