When a thin film moderately adherent to a substrate is subjected to residual tensile stress, the cooperation between film crack and interface debonding leads to unusual crack patterns, such as spirals, alleys of crescents and variously oriented strips. We use sol-gel method to fabricate silica sol, and then get a film-glass-substrate system via spin coating technique. Many unique crack morphologies are observed after high temperature drying, such as straight-sided crack network, wavy crack network and their coexistence. The optical microscope and scanning electron microscope reveal that the coexistence and transition of these two kinds of crack networks are closely related to whether the interface debonding occurs simultaneously or not. There is a linear relationship between wavelength and thickness of the crescent crack. Some other unique crack patterns and their growth processes are observed as well. Finally, we propose a phase field simulation tool to study the evolution of film cracking with the concurrent interface debonding. It is worthwhile to further elucidate how the interface debonding facilitates formation of the wavy crack network by using such phase field modeling in future.
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Figure 1
(Color online) The overall crack morphology observed by optical microscope, the scale bar is
Figure 2
(Color online) The evolution process of crack growth observed by optical microscopy of film with thickness
Figure 3
The crack details observed by scanning electron microscopy. (a) Wavy crack deflects to film-substrate interface and induces film debonding; (b) straight crack penetrates into the substrate.
Figure 4
(Color online) (a) The image of crescent cracks observed by scanning electron microscopy; (b) the image of crescent cracks observed by optical microscope with a scale bar of
Figure 5
(Color online) The special crack morphologies observed by optical microscope. (a) Double helix crack with the scale bar of
Figure 6
(Color online) The simulated crack morphologies in the computational zone 256
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