Article index updated:Apr 26, 2019
Back to article pageCrossRef , Web of Science, CSCD, and Altmetric
Single number count for article citations from each service's database may vary by service. The citations counts are reliant on the availability of the individual APIs from CrossRef , Web of Science and CSCD. These counts are updated daily once they become available. Once a citation count is available, the list of articles citing this one is accessible by clicking on the circle for that citation source.
Altmetric calculates a score based on the online attention an article receives. Each coloured thread in the circle represents a different type of online attention and the number in the centre is the Altmetric score. The score is calculated based on two main sources of online attention: social media and mainstream news media. Altmetric also tracks usage in online reference managers such as Mendeley and CiteULike, but these do not contribute to the score. Older articles will typically score higher because they have had more time to get noticed. For a more detailed description of Altmetric, the Altmetric score, and sources used, please see?Altmetric's information page.
The geographic download and view numbers broken down for SciEngine sources is provided and is updated daily.
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