Machine learning can help differentiating benign and malignant lesions seen on mammographic images. Conventional models require handcrafting features for lesion representation. Due to insufficient medical instances, the performance of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can be further increased. This study makes use of transfer learning for mammographic breast lesion diagnosis and deep neural network (DNN) models pre-trained with large-scale natural images are employed. The diagnosis performance is evaluated with the prediction accuracy (ACC) and the area under the curve (AUC) on average. A histologically verified database is analyzed which contains 406 lesions (230 benign and 176 malignant). Involved models include transferred DNNs (GoogLeNet and AlexNet), shallow CNNs (CNN2 and CNN3) that are fully trained with medical instances and boosted by support vector machine (SVM), and two conventional methods which combine handcrafted features and SVM for lesion diagnosis. Experimental results indicate that GoogLeNet achieves the best performance (ACC=0.81, AUC=0.88), followed by AlexNet (ACC=0.79, AUC=0.83) and CNN3 (ACC=0.73, AUC=0.82). Knowledge transfer can improve the mammographic breast cancer diagnosis, while its wide application still requires further verification in medical imaging domain.
the National Key Research and Develop Program of China(Grant,No.,2016YFC0105102)
the Shenzhen Key Technical Research Project(Grant,No.,JSGG20160229203812944)
the Leading Talent of Special Support Project in Guangdong(Grant,No.,2016TX03R139)
the Science Foundation of Guangdong(Grant,Nos.,2017B020229002,&,2014A030312006)
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant,No.,61471349)
the Major Scientific Research Project for Universities of Guangdong Province(Grant,No.,2016KTSCX167)
The authors thank the Breast Cancer Digital Repository Consortium for sharing the database BCDR-F03. This work was supported in part by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFC0105102), the Leading Talent of Special Support Project in Guangdong (Grant No. 2016TX03R139), the Shenzhen Key Technical Research Project (Grant No. JSGG20160229203812944), the Science Foundation of Guangdong (Grant Nos. 2017B020229002, 2015B020233011 & 2014A030312006), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61871374), the Beijing Center for Mathematics and Information Interdisciplinary Sciences, and the Major Scientific Research Project for Universities of Guangdong Province (Grant No. 2016KTSCX167).
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Figure 1
Breast lesion visualization. The malignant lesion and benign ones are shown in craneocaudal ((a), (c)) and mediolateral oblique ((b), (d)) views. The coordinates of the red and green contours are provided in the BCDR-F03.
Figure 2
Medical image pre-processing. The diagram consists of breast lesion extraction, mass lesion refinement and data augmentation. After image pre-processing, seven new medical instances are added to each mass.
Figure 3
The convergence analysis in model transferring. The brown and the blue dots refer to the convergence procedure when fine-tuning of AlexNet and GoogLeNet, respectively. (a) Loss in training; (b) accuracy in validation.
Figure 4
(Color online)
Figure 5
(Color online)
Age range | Patient cases |
[20, 40) | 28 |
[40, 60) | 215 |
[60, 80) | 130 |
[80, 100) | 14 |
Others | 19 |
View number | Patient cases |
1 | 89 |
2 | 310 |
3 | 5 |
4 | 1 |
8 | 1 |
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