Introduction to holographic superconductor models


SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, Volume 58, Issue 6: 60401(2015)

Introduction to holographic superconductor models

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  • AcceptedMar 12, 2015
  • PublishedMay 4, 2015


In the last years it has been shown that some properties of strongly coupled superconductors can be potentially described by classical general relativity living in one higher dimension, which is known as holographic superconductors. This paper gives a quick and introductory overview of some holographic superconductor models with s-wave, p-wave and d-wave orders in the literature from point of view of bottom-up, and summarizes some basic properties of these holographic models in various regimes. The competition and coexistence of these superconductivity orders are also studied in these superconductor models.


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