We report on second harmonic generation (SHG) in on-chip high-
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Figure 1
(Color online)
Figure 2
(Color online) (a), (b) The spectra of pump and generated second harmonic (SH) signals collected from the output port of the fiber taper; (c) optical microscope side view image of the second harmonic emission (the violet light) from the microresonator; (d) SHG conversion efficiency as a function of input pump power.
Figure 3
(Color online) (a) The transmission spectrum of pump laser coupled with the microresonator by fiber taper; (b) the spectrum of second harmonic signal collected by the grating spectrometer (model Du920, Andor); (c) optical microscope side view image of the second harmonic emission from the microresonator; (d) conversion efficiency of SHG as a function of the input pump power.
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