Chirality is one of the important phenomena at the vicinity of
exceptional point (EP). The conventional understanding is that the
chirality is determined by asymmetrical scattering efficiency (
Shenzhen Fundamental Researches . The author would like to thank Prof. WIERSIG Jan and Prof. CAO Hui for helpful questions and comments(JCYJ20130329155148184)
Shenzhen Peacock Plan(KQCX2012080709143322)
Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University(NCET-11-0809)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(11204055)
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Figure 1
(Color online) Real (a) and imaginary (b) parts of eigenenergies E
Figure 2
(Color online) (a) A schematic picture of the spiral-shaped annular cavity. The outer boundary is a circle with
Figure 3
(Color online) The field distribution (|
Figure 4
(Color online) (a) Normalized angular momentum distribution |
Figure 5
(Color online) The frequencies (a),
Figure 6
(Color online) (a) The dependence of
Figure 7
(Color online) (a) The schematic picture of the annular ring with a spiral shaped inner boundary. (b), (c) The normalized resonant frequencies and Q factors as a function of later shift d. (d) The chirality of the high Q modes.
Figure 8
(Color online) The field patterns of modes marked as 1–6 in
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