Following deformation, thermally induced shape memory polymers (SMPs) have the ability to recover their original shape with a change in temperature. In this work, the thermomechanical properties and shape memory behaviors of three types of epoxy SMPs with varying curing agent contents were investigated using a molecular dynamics (MD) method. The mechanical properties under uniaxial tension at different temperatures were obtained, and the simulation results compared reasonably with experimental data. In addition, in a thermomechanical cycle, ideal shape memory effects for the three types of SMPs were revealed through the shape frozen and shape recovery responses at low and high temperatures, respectively, indicating that the recovery time is strongly influenced by the ratio of E-51 to 4,4’-Methylenedianiline.
National Natural Science Foundation of China(11272044)
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11272044 and 11023001).
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Figure 1
Molecular structural repeat units for (a) E-51 epoxy and (b) DDM curing agent.
Figure 2
(Color online) Volume of specimens 1# (a), 2# (b), and 3# (c) as a function of temperature. Experimental data taken from ref.
Figure 3
(Color online) (a) Stress-strain curves of
Figure 4
(Color online) End-to-end distance and chain orientation from MD simulations and theoretical predictions.
Figure 5
Interaction energy between chains at different temperatures (specimen 2#).
Figure 6
(Color online) Microstructures of the material (specimen 2#) under elastic (a) and plastic deformations (b) at 300 K.
Figure 7
Snapshots of a representative epoxy SMP (specimen 2#) under uniaxial stretches in the glassy state (
Figure 8
Snapshots of a representative epoxy SMP (specimen 2#) under uniaxial stretches in the rubbery state (
Figure 9
(Color online) Mean square radius of gyration of the three specimens in the glassy (300 K) and rubbery states (500 K).
Figure 10
(Color online) Schematic thermomechanical loading process and the structure evolution for specimens.
Figure 11
(Color online) Evolution of stretch recovery for specimens 1# (a), 2# (b), and 3# (c) at different temperatures.
Specimen |
E-51 |
1# |
100 |
15 |
2# |
100 |
17 |
3# |
100 |
19 |
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