Hydraulic fracture (HF) in porous rocks is a complex multi-physics
coupling process which involves fluid flow, diffusion and solid deformation.
In this paper, the extended finite element method (XFEM) coupling
with Biot theory is developed to study the HF in permeable rocks with
natural fractures (NFs). In the recent XFEM based computational HF
models, the fluid flow in fractures and interstitials of the porous
media are mostly solved separately, which brings difficulties in dealing
with complex fracture morphology. In our new model the fluid flow
is solved in a unified framework by considering the fractures as a
kind of special porous media and introducing Poiseuille-type flow
inside them instead of Darcy-type flow. The most advantage is that
it is very convenient to deal with fluid flow inside the complex fracture
network, which is important in shale gas extraction. The weak formulation
for the new coupled model is derived based on virtual work principle,
which includes the XFEM formulation for multiple fractures and fractures
intersection in porous media and finite element formulation for the
unified fluid flow. Then the plane strain Kristianovic-Geertsma-de
Klerk (KGD) model and the fluid flow inside the fracture network are
simulated to validate the accuracy and applicability of this method.
The numerical results show that large injection rate, low rock permeability
and isotropic
Key Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11532008)
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11532008, and 11372157).
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Figure 1
(Color online) Coupling framework for hydraulic fracture problem,
Figure 2
(Color online) Hydraulic driving fracture. (a) Orientation of normal and tangent vectors of local fracture surface, and the displacement jump vector; the 3D body with hydro-discontinuity represented by initial configuration (b) and current configuration (c).
Figure 3
Decomposition of a fractured element into two elements (a), four elements (b): solid and hollow circles denote the original nodes and additional phantom nodes, respectively.
Figure 4
(Color online) Comparison of the results with analytical solution for the plane strain KGD model with viscosity dominated HF propagation. (a) Fracture opening at injection point; (b) inlet pressure at injection point.
Figure 5
(Color online) Comparison of the results with analytical solution for the plane strain KGD model with toughness dominated HF propagation. (a) Fracture opening at injection point, (b) inlet pressure at injection point.
Figure 6
(Color online) Hydraulically induced fracture driven by fluid injection. (a) Boundary value problem. All the sides are mechanically constrained and are assumed to be permeable (
Figure 7
(Color online) Hydraulically induced fracture driven by fluid injection. (a)-(c) Fracture and fluid pressure
Figure 8
(Color online) Hydraulically induced fracture driven by fluid injection under different media permeability at time
Figure 9
(Color online) (a) Hydraulically fracture network driven by fluid injection at current stage, a bridge plug is set to hydraulically isolate the previously stimulated stages; (b) local fracture network domain consists of HF and NFs for studying, lower side of the domain is the symmetry boundary and the other three sides are mechanically constrained and assumed to be permeable.
Figure 10
(Color online) Inlet fluid pressure of the five NFs over the total injected time.
Figure 11
(Color online) Fracture evolution morphology for fracture network at different times. (a)
Figure 12
(Color online) Fracture network evolution morphology at the same time
Figure 13
(Color online) The propagation length of one main fracture and five NFs under different injection rate.
Figure 14
(Color online) Fracture evolution morphology for fracture network and the fluid pressure contour under different formation conditions. (a) The initial condition and
Figure 15
(Color online) (a) The vertical fracture propagation length and total fracture propagation length (one main fracture and five NFs) vs difference of
Parameter |
Value |
17000 |
0.2 |
1.46 |
0.0001 |
Parameter |
Value |
255 |
0.3 |
0.0167 |
0.0004 |
1.0 |
0.358 |
1.0 |
200 |
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