Anomalous in-plane magnetoresistance of electron-doped cuprate La<sub>2</sub><sub>?</sub><sub><italic>x</italic></sub>Ce<sub><italic>x</italic></sub>CuO<sub>4±</sub><sub><italic>δ</italic></sub>


SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, Volume 60, Issue 9: 097411(2017)

Anomalous in-plane magnetoresistance of electron-doped cuprate La2?xCexCuOδ

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  • ReceivedMay 1, 2017
  • AcceptedMay 5, 2017
  • PublishedMay 19, 2017
PACS numbers


We report systematic in-plane magnetoresistance measurements on the electron-doped cuprate La2?xCexCuOδ thin films as a function of Ce doping and oxygen content in the magnetic field up to 14?T. A crossover from negative to positive magnetoresistance occurs between the doping level x = 0.07 and 0.08. Above x = 0.08, the positive magnetoresistance effect appears, and is almost indiscernible at x = 0.15. By tuning the oxygen content, the as-grown samples show negative magnetoresistance effect, whereas the optimally annealed ones display positive magnetoresistance effect at the doping level x = 0.15. Intriguingly, a linear-field dependence of in-plane magnetoresistance is observed at the underdoping level x = 0.06, the optimal doping level x = 0.1 and slightly overdoping level x = 0.11. These anomalies of in-plane magnetoresistance may be related to the intrinsic inhomogeneity in the cuprates, which is discussed in the framework of network model.

Funded by

National Key Basic Research Program of China(2015CB921000)

and the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences

National Natural Science Foundation of China(11674374)

Chinese Academy of Sciences(QYZDB-SSW-SLH008)


The authors thank Prof. R. L. Greene for fruitful discussions. This work was supported by the National Key Basic Research Program of China (Grant Nos. 2015CB921000, and 2016YFA0300301), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11674374, and 11474338), and the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. QYZDB-SSW-SLH008).


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  • Figure 1

    (Color online) The doping dependence of in-plane MR of optimally annealed LCCO in the normal state. In the doping level (a) x = 0.06, (b) x = 0.07, n-MR is observed with variation of magnetic field. At higher doping levels (c) x = 0.08, (d) x = 0.1, (e) x = 0.11 and (f) x = 0.15, p-MR is observed in the case of both B//I and BI.

  • Figure 2

    (Color online) The oxygen dependence of the in-plane MR at the doping level x = 0.15. When the angle θ between the magnetic field and the current is 0, 45° and 90°, (a) the as-grown films all show n-MR with the variation of magnetic field at T = 10?K; (b) the short-annealed films show n-MR behaviors in the low magnetic field but p-MR above 13?T.

  • Figure 3

    (Color online) The linear in-plane MR at the optimal doping level at T = 35?K. When θ = 30°, 45°, 60°, and 90°, the in-plane MR is linear with the magnetic field. The illustration shows the normalization of MR: when the magnetic field was normalized by a sine function of the angle θ, the linear in-plane MR converges onto a single straight line.

  • Figure 4

    (Color online) The phase diagram of the electron-doped cuprate La2?xCexCuO4 achieved by the in-plane MR at T = 35?K. At x = 0.07 and lower doping level, the n-MR is observed. The crossover from n-MR to p-MR occurs between x = 0.07 and 0.08 (marked by the purple dot in the illustration). Above x = 0.08, the p-MR occurs and almost vanishes at the doping level x = 0.15. At the doping levels x = 0.06, x = 0.10 and x = 0.11, the linear-field dependence of MR occurs. The illustration is the temperature-doping phase diagram of La2?xCexCuO4. The boundary of static antiferromagnetic order (gray solid line) is achieved by the low energy μSR (ref. [25]). The green dash line is the boundary of dynamic antiferromagnetic order achieved by the AMR measurements. The light green dash line is the isotherm at 35?K in the phase diagram.

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