In the process of informatization, the Moore’s Law is getting closer to the limit. Combining microelectronics and optoelectronics to develop silicon-based large-scale integrated optoelectronic technology has become the industry consensus. It is also the inevitable direction of technology development. In recent years, silicon photonics has made great progress, many key devices have reached the commercial standard, and some of the performance is even higher than the current commercial device performance. In silicon based optoelectronic integrated devices, silicon based light source is the most important but has not yet been completely resolved. Although silicon is an indirect band gap semiconductor material and luminous efficiency is very low, people have not given up efforts to prepare silicon based light source. Silicon based light sources include silicon based optical waveguide amplifiers, light emitting diodes, lasers, etc., of which silicon based optical waveguide amplifier is the basis for lasers and the indispensable device in a silicon based optoelectronic integrated circuit. If the optical waveguide amplifier has a high net gain, optically pumped lasers can be obtained by designing the appropriate resonant cavities at both ends of the optical waveguide amplifier. In this paper, we focus on silicon based optical waveguide amplifier, introducing the two main research directions of silicon based waveguide amplifier, silicon based hybrid integrated III-V semiconductor optical waveguide amplifier and silicon based rare earth ion doped optical waveguide amplifier. This paper discusses the principle, preparation method and development process of these two research directions in detail respectively, and lists relevant typical research results. And we briefly introduce other optical amplification technology. Finally, summary and prospect are given.
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Figure 1
(Color online) The diagram of silicon bandgap.
Figure 2
The spectral region of the compound semiconductors formed using group III and group V elements.
Figure 3
(Color online) (a) Schematic cross section of a directly bonded heterogeneous waveguide with a wide implanted mesa design; (b) micrograph of the fabricated amplifiers prior to metallization
Figure 4
(Color online) (a) Device structure cross section; (b) SEM image
Figure 5
(Color online) Amplifier gain versus wavelength with different current levels
Figure 6
(Color online) Top-view (a), first cross-sectional view (b) and second cross sectional view (c) of proposed device design
Figure 7
(Color online) Top and cross-sectional views of the taper structure for mode transfer between III-V and silicon waveguides of the hybrid SOA. Simulated mode profiles are given for three exemplary cross-sections
Figure 8
(Color online) Fiber to fiber gain as a function of the injected optical power for various currents applied to the SOA (the origin of the peak around –8 dBm has not yet been fully understood)
Figure 9
(Color online) Primary processes involved in Er sensitization by Yb co-doping
Figure 10
(Color online) Er-doped waveguide fabrication methods. (a) Femtosecond laser writing directly into an Er-doped glass substrate; (b) Er-doped layer deposition followed by reactive ion etching and passivation by top-cladding deposition.
Figure 11
PL spectrum, taken at room temperature, of an Er-implanted (2.3×1015 Er cm–2, 800 keV, peak concentration 0.23%) Al2O3 film annealed at 950°C (
Figure 12
Pump power dependence of SE. It shows a SE of up to 14 dB/cm, implying a possible net gain of up to 7 dB/cm. From the fit, we obtain emission cross section of 2×10–19?cm2 and an effective excitation cross section of ≥10–17?cm2 at 477?nm
Figure 13
Room-temperature photoluminescence spectrum of Er-Si-O crystals on Si under 488?nm excitation (pump power 100?mW). The inset shows a schematic of an Er-O6 octahedron
Figure 14
Room-temperature photoluminescence excitation spectrum of Er-Si-O crystals on Si. The 1.53?μm photoluminescence is monitored as a function of pump wavelength
Figure 15
(a) PL spectra of Er2–
Figure 16
(Color online) (a) Typical spectra of the guided PL (black) only with the pump laser on; the probe laser at 1534 or 1543?nm, and the total output with both the probe and the pump lasers are present (pumped at 36?mW); (b) pump power dependent net gain for the wires with core diameters of
Figure 17
(Color online) Spectra of the nanowire around 979?nm in di?erent measurement temperature and the dependence of emission intensity and linewidth of the 979.1?nm peak to the temperature (inset).
集成方法 |
性能 |
直接键合 |
亲水键合 |
低限制因子, 热传导性好, 退火温度300°C, 适合较大热膨胀系数失配的材料进行连接 |
疏水键合 |
低限制因子, 热传导性好, 退火温度650°C |
间接键合 |
高限制因子, 热传导性差, 脊波导更坚固, 有源区和无源区之间过渡复杂 |
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