Electromagnetic wave absorption property of polypyrrole nanowires/graphene composite


SCIENTIA SINICA Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica, Volume 47, Issue 12: 127201(2017) https://doi.org/10.1360/SSPMA2017-00003

Electromagnetic wave absorption property of polypyrrole nanowires/graphene composite

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  • ReceivedJan 5, 2017
  • AcceptedFeb 14, 2017
  • PublishedJun 12, 2017
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We develop a facile low-temperature polymerization method for fabricating a PPy/G composite that can be used as a lightweight EMW absorber. Scanning electron microscopy image shows that the length of PPy nanowirs is several micrometers, and the well-defined interfaces between graphene and PPy nanowires. All of the reflection loss values for the composite at d ranging from 2.0 to 5.0?mm are less than ?20 dB. For example, the minimal reflection loss is –38.9 dB as the thickness of the composite 3.0?mm at 11.28 GHz; the minimal reflection loss is –39.1 dB as the thickness of the composite 3.5?mm at 9.36 GHz, outperforming PPy nanowires and graphene-based absorbers reported previously. Furthermore, the content of the PPy/G composite in the paraffin matrix is only 5 wt%, greatly lower than that of PPy nanowires and graphene-based absorbers reported previously. The enhanced electromagnetic wave absorption property can be explained by interfacial polarization and 1/4 quarter-wavelength matching model. Our results may open a way to the development of highly lightweight EMW absorbers.

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  • Figure 1

    (Color online) SEM image of PPy/G (a); PPy nanowires (b); (c), (d) TEM image of PPy/G with different magnification; (e) RL vs. frequency curves at different thickness of the PPy/G composite mixed with paraffin with a content of 5 wt%; (f) RL vs. frequency curves at different thickness of the PPy nanowires mixed with paraffin with a content of 5 wt%; (g) comparison of the simulated matching thickness tmfit under λ/4 condition to tmexp for the PPy/G composite; (h) comparison of the simulated matching thickness tmfit under λ/4 conditions to tmexp for the PPy nanowires.

  • Table 1   Comparison of EMW absorption property of PPy/G composite with some previously reported graphene-based materialsa)


    RL,min (dB)

    d (mm)

    C (wt%)

























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