Effect of intrinsic defects on p-type conductivityof ZnO:(In, N) thin films


SCIENTIA SINICA Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica, Volume 48, Issue 4: 047303(2018) https://doi.org/10.1360/SSPMA2017-00271

Effect of intrinsic defects on p-type conductivityof ZnO:(In, N) thin films

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  • ReceivedSep 2, 2017
  • AcceptedDec 11, 2017
  • PublishedFeb 11, 2018
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Indium and nitrogen co-doped ZnO thin films [ZnO: (In, N)] were prepared on quartz glass substrate by radio frequency magnetron sputtering combined with ion implantation technique. By optimizing the annealing temperature, a repeatable p-type ZnO:(In, N) thin film with the hole concentration about 1016?cm?3 was successfully achieved. Using the Hall effect measurements, the n→p→n electrical transition phenomenon of the films with annealing temperature was observed. Then the effects of doped impurities and intrinsic defects on the structure and p-type conductivity of the films were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Raman spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. It was found that the difference of N-related acceptor defects concentration between p-type and n-type ZnO is not prominent. Nevertheless, the content of intrinsic zinc interstitial (Zni) donor defects in p-type ZnO were less than that of n-type one, the intrinsic oxygen interstitial (Oi) and zinc vacancy (VZn) acceptor defects were relatively abundant. The conclusion can be drawn that besides the N-related acceptor defects (NO, InZn-nNO), the intrinsic defects (VZn, Oi, Zni) in the film also play a crucial role in realizing the p-type conductivity. Therefore, how to control the intrinsic defects in ZnO is an important means to realize the p-type transition and to improve p-type conductivity stability of ZnO thin film.

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  • Figure 1

    (Color online) Typical XRD pattern of ZnO:In and ZnO:(In, N) films.

  • Figure 2

    (Color online) XPS spectra of the ZnO films N1s core levels.

  • Figure 3

    (Color online) XPS spectra of the ZnO films O1s core levels (a) and the integrated peak area ratios (b).

  • Figure 4

    (Color online) Raman spectra of ZnO:In film and ZnO:(In, N) films annealed under various temperature (a), and normalized intensity of the P1(~274?cm?1) peak (b).

  • Figure 5

    (Color online) RT PL spectra normalized to the UV emission (a), and the intensity of the Gaussian-resolved into three emissions (b).

  • Table 1   Electrical properties of ZnO:In films and ZnO:(In, N) films under various annealing temperatures for 23?min







    电阻率 (Ω?cm)


























    p (repeatable)







  • Table 2   The electrical properties of repeated p type ZnO:(In, N) films annealed at 578°C for 23?min





    电阻率 (Ω?cm)

































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