Energy distribution and radiation of Q-bubble dark matter on the quantum space-time background


SCIENTIA SINICA Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica, Volume 48, Issue 4: 049801(2018)

Energy distribution and radiation of Q-bubble dark matter on the quantum space-time background

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  • ReceivedDec 22, 2017
  • AcceptedJan 23, 2018
  • PublishedFeb 11, 2018
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Energy distribution and radiation phenomena of Q-bubble dark matter on the quantum space-time background are studied in this paper. Under the quantum gravitational energy scale, the energy and energy level difference of Q-bubble are calculated respectively for energy and momentum correction dispersion relations. Moreover, the energy and energy level difference in the pertubation case are also calculated. We analysed radiation particles’ law of dark matter bubbles under the Lorentz symmetry breaking and the pertubation situation, and found that the radiated energy increases with quantum space-time effect increases, and it also increases with the bubble potential energy increases. These physical effects may be confirmed in the further dark matter observations and experiments.

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