Gravitational-wave standard siren and cosmology


SCIENTIA SINICA Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica, Volume 48, Issue 7: 079805(2018)

Gravitational-wave standard siren and cosmology

ZHAO Wen1,2,*,*
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  • ReceivedApr 2, 2018
  • AcceptedApr 11, 2018
  • PublishedJun 5, 2018
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The discoveries of gravitational-wave (GW) event GW170817, caused by the coalescence of binary neutron-star, as well as the electromagnetic counterparts in multi-frequency bands, mark the coming of multimessenger GW astronomy. By observing the GW waveform of compact binary coalescence, one can independently determine its luminosity distance, which indicates that this kind of GW sources can be treated as “standard sirens" to study the expansion history of the Universe. This provides a novel method for the research of cosmology. In this article, we introduce the basic principle of GW sources as “standard sirens", and focus on various methods to determine the distance and redshift of GW events. We also discuss the detection capabilities of constraining cosmological parameters for (second-generation and third-generation) ground-based GW detectors and space-based GW detectors. In particular, we investigate the potential constraints on the Hubble constant and equation-of-state of dark energy.

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感谢西澳大利亚大学温琳清, 中国科学技术大学孔旭和王挺贵, 湖北第二师范学院范锡龙的有益讨论.


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