Dark matter and dark energy are two of the most fundamental research directions in physics and astronomy. Our understanding about the fundamental structure of the world and evolution of the universe will be greatly affected by the results of these researches. International communities have shown great interest in these frontier areas. A series of related projects have been planned and are being carried out in US and Europe. The next generation of dark matter searching programs have been supported officially. New ground and space observatories are being built. Study on the dark matter and dark energy are also parts of the domestic near and long term plans in fundamental science, and it is believed that revolutionary breakthroughs in these areas are imminent. A roadmap on the study of dark matter and dark energy released in 2008 lead to fruitful results in the past few years. Important progresses have been made on the direct detection of dark matter in China. Two dark matter direct detection programs located in the China Jinping underground Laboratory (CJPL), the CDEX and the PandaX, have released their analysis results. The sensitivities have reached the world’s advanced level. The dark matter satellite will be launched at the end of 2015 for the indirect detection of dark matter. Astronomers joined international collaborations for the study of dark energy and made some progresses. Here we consider a possible roadmap for the study of dark matter and dark energy in China for the upcoming 5 to 10 years. For the study of dark matter, we suggest to carry out larger scale of dark matter direct detection and double beta decay experiments in the CJPL, including the liquid xenon based experiment at 20–30 ton level, high purity germanium based experiment at 1 ton level, and liquid argon based experiment at 300 ton level. We also suggest to start the indirect detection of dark matter with satellite based experiments and join international collaborations for varies methods of dark matter searching. These efforts would help us to achieve a leading position in the world in the future. For the study of dark energy, the determination of its properties would be the main topic in the near future. So we suggest to build facilities for the cosmic background radiation at the Ali region in Xizang, start the deep sky survey at the space station, build ground based telescope in south Antarctica, and perform the initial research of 21 cm astronomy, forming a competitive program in the study of dark energy and primordial gravitational wave detection.
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